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What is human design?

Human design is a type of astrology that provides more specific and actionable advice. It describes the energetic composition of your being and reveals how to make decisions in alignment with yourself.

How does a reading work?

You send me your birth time/date/place, and I will generate your bodygraph. Then I email you the bodygraph along with my interpretation. For the deep-dive consultation, we follow up with a dialogue over the phone.

What type of information should i expect from this reading?

Above all, the reading clarifies a person’s natural method of decision-making.

That said, the content of a bodygraph can speak to a wide range of qualities about a person, from relatively mundane things like dietary disposition, to very abstract metaphysical ideas, like karmic trajectory. It depends entirely on the individual and their focus. Some of the subjects typically explored in a reading are: vocation, environment, bonding strategy, motivation, and labor.

I can’t afford a reading.

If you think you would benefit from a reading, but cannot afford to pay, email me anyway. I believe that this information should be accessible to all.

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